An Exclusive Interview on Jing Pu, Winner of National Scholarship Dreams’ ...

“I think that anyone doing academic research can't always flock to the much-discussed topics and areas. Personal interest is the most important thing. I have never considered changing to other fields as I really love my major.” It was his passion that supported Jing Pu to embark on the journey of his life calmly in the face of any setback. Passion conquers all.


His Career

After taking the college entrance examination in 2009, Jing Pu chose Civil Engineering as his major. It was exactly what he dreamed of. Then he started his wonderful journey in Lanzhou Jiaotong University (LZJTU). During his undergraduate studies, he was awarded the title of Merit Student twice and received a first-class scholarship from LZJTU. His passion for road and railway engineering paid off. He had had the opportunity to further studies, but his passion rendered him eager to apply what he had learned to practice. So after he graduated with a bachelor's degree in 2013, he accepted an offer in the China Railway Jinan Group Co. Ltd. Then he had been working there for five years.

He used to be a workshop technician, deputy director of the workshop, and supervisor of the Railway Technology Division. Through the five-year working experience, he began to understand the traditional code of conduct and experienced joys and sorrows. In terms of his work, he always tried his best, by which he was about to usher in the peak of his career. But in the process, he also encountered a new bottleneck.

“My major is Road and Railway Engineering during my four-year study, and now my work also centers on road and railway engineering as well as construction, operation and maintenance of high-speed railway. I cannot solve many problems in my work. These problems remind me that I am not a qualified engineer.” Gradually, he found that the work could not be done well with passion alone. The professional knowledge he had learned in the four-year study was not enough to deal with various complex problems. In order to enrich his professional knowledge and emulate those better than him, he decided to assist in work of Metals and Chemistry Research Institute, China Academy of Railway Sciences in 2017. It was in the year of 2017 that he ushered in a major turning point in his career as a civil engineer.


At that time, China State Railway Group Co., Ltd. organized a national conference on the construction, operation and maintenance of the high-speed railway. Almost all departments of design, construction, operation and maintenance of high-speed railway were called to do research, collect various problems, and then propose corresponding solutions. Then he came into contact with many experts from the China Academy of Railway Sciences, through which he was motivated again. He felt that there was a huge gap between him and other engineers in professional knowledge. So, despite the opposition of his family, he made a decision to change his life. That was to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

His Struggle

When he made this decision, it was in April 2018. There were only 8 months left before the postgraduate entrance examination held at the end of the year. He had left school for five years. It was not easy to devote himself to preparing for exams. And he was also very busy as he occupied an important position in his original company. “It’s really not an exaggeration to say that I have to answer more than one hundred calls every day. So I have to make a to-do list with an excel sheet every day, otherwise I will forget.” So he stayed in the office after work to ensure that he had six hours to study every day. And he would stay in the dormitory at night instead of going home. When it came to what supported him during that period, he lowered his head and thought for a while. Then he firmly answered, “It is my enthusiasm to take root in civil engineering.” His eyes were full of self-confidence, perseverance, and passion.

He kept his original aspirations with his passion, and forged ahead with his determination. In May 2019, the postgraduate entrance retest was over. After years of leaving school, he felt a little confused when he set foot on the campus again. In his own words, he was like a pupil on that day. His research team would hold a team meeting on scientific research every weekend. Listening to the reports of many outstanding seniors, he was delighted in his heart. “It’s the right choice to come to Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU). There are so many things I should learn.”

Since his research interest was different from those of other seniors at the beginning, he had to start from scratch and study on his own step by step. “I even went to ask seniors of State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, SWJTU about the problems I have encountered.” In this way, he learned how to apply related software and how to write academic papers by himself. In his mind, his tutor, Mr. Xiao Jieling, was his pacemaker.” Mr. Xiao is really careful about my affairs, whether important or trivial. From the beginning, I could only write some short plans and reports. And I don’t knowhowto write academic papers. However, Mr. Xiao gives step-by-step directions for me and helps me improve my papers over and over again. Gradually, I feel that I finally learn the rudiments of civil engineering.” He sent a project report to Mr. Xiao at 2 am one day. To his surprise, Mr. Xiao immediately replied to him in the early morning. Mr. Xiao's dedication and hardworking spirit spurred him to continue to work hard and forge ahead.

His Passion

Since he started his graduate life, he was responsible for the research work of quite a few projects, and carried out experiments in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Guiyang,and Wuxi. At the end of 2020, he went to the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region to carry out continuously welded rail tests. At that time, the temperature on site was at -40℃. Under extremely harsh conditions, the temperature sensors and strain gauges could not be attached. And he tried different kinds of glues and cable ties and finally fixed the apparatus. It was extremely cold in winter there. So he dared not move at the site, otherwise, he would be frozen up. He was never afraid of difficulties. And he cherished all opportunities to improve himself. He did enjoy it.


Altay, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region at -40℃

After the first two-year learning in SWJTU, he has published many academic papers in SCI, EI and other related journals, which have been recognized by international and domestic experts and scholars in this field. As a result, he won the National Scholarship for Postgraduates in 2021, which made him more confident in academic research.

“Dreams’ never sold, blood's never cold.” He has been studying courses related to road and railway engineering and working in this field for more than ten years. Along the way, he has experienced almost everything that a civil engineer might experience. He has learned to stay calm, learned to release disappointments, and learned to take everything lightly. But he still maintains an optimistic spirit to go on. When he was asked about his plans after graduation,

he replied, “I want to apply for the PhD program at China Academy of Railway Sciences. If I fail, I’ll find a job first and then apply for a professional doctoral program in engineering.”

He still has a passion for civil engineering. And he has a mind of curiosity he has learned from Mr. Xiao. By all of these, he has and will overcome all kinds of difficulties.


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